Every Cause Has an Effect.
Cause the RippleEffect You want to See in the World
What we do
We are a private, not-for profit community organisation helping men, women and children maximisse their impact in their local community.
By taking a new approach to understanding ones unique, inherent talents, individuals gain the confidence to do what they were designed to do.
We then help identify opportunities for each individuals unique talents and how they can apply those talents to bring about positive change.
We then help those individuals deliver their positive impact in their local communities.
What impact do we make?
We believe in creating a RippleEffect, from the inside out, with a small group of talented individuals that are helping larger groups of people through innovative, much needed solutions to challenges people face in their daily lives.
Of the people we help become self-sufficient in 12 months.
Core members
People posiively impacted
27 Million
Will notice these changes in years to come.
Want to make a difference in your community?
RippleEffect is a not-for profit community service organisation that benefits its memberss and participants.